The Rhéoart is the culmination of more than 35 years of expertise in Research and Development laboratories with rheology and shaping of polymers.
The current RhéoArt have been developed by the group of plasturgist & developers from ARTECHNOLOGIES France in close collaboration with the specialists of CEMEF / ENSMP from Sophia Antipolis.
The overall design of the plasticizing unit is a total innovation in the field of rheology.
The accuracy of the material processing and measured parameters go well beyond the current parameters
established with a capillary traditional rheometer, especially for materials such as PVC / PVC rigid.
Fully electric, the RhéoArt combines the strength to the precision to reach a quasi instantaneous
transformation of the polymers.
This advanced control combined with the revolutionary mechanical changes of the plastification unit allows:
PVC, incompatible polymers mix, loaded polymers elastomers or agroalimentary formulas for example require this new type of approach.
Often, rheological measurement is complex or impossible for these products in conventional rheometer for the following reasons:
- Heating time (plastification and fusion) incompatible with its thermal stability without addition of stabilizers that may interfere with the measured rheological behavior.
- A complex loading of the mater reserves of the capillary rheometer that leads to air trapping, seen in the perturbed pressure signals.
Furthermore, conventional rheometer measure viscosity in large deformation conditions, the plastification/fusion operates exclusively by heat conduction, while it is the dissipated energy during the matter flow which is the main factor for plastification/fusion in most industrial transformation process (polymers, thermoplastics, elastomers, agroalimentary matters).
The fusion operated by the rheoplast is therefore much faster than in a conventional capilary rheometer, reducing thereby the measurement time.
Moreover, for materials sensitive to thermomechanic treatments, conventional capillary rheometer overestimate significantly the actual viscosity in the flow.
In the case of Amylaced products, a simple heating on the material without melting it is not efficient. Here, conventional capillary rheology is inadapted to study the behavior in a plastified form. To overcome this limitation, scientists and industrials have developed “extrusiometers” or “instrumented nozzles”, consisting in adapting a capillary head to an extruding unit or a plastification unit of an injecting press.
This allows an efficient measurement of the viscosity close to injection conditions. However, the “thermomecanic history” of the material is complex and the consumption of material to obtain proper viscosity curves, can reach several kilograms.
Therefore the idea of the Rheoplast, consisting in decoupling in a simple geometry the thermomecanic history that melts and plastify the material in a limited time and the capillary rheologic measurement.